Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This is Real Life Now. Week Two

So, I think that I'm adjusting pretty well to the demands of college. (Who am I kidding, it's been fan-freakin-tastic.) Even with a lot of homework, I'm able to eat, sleep, spend time with friends, and do fun things around Provo.

This is the 9am crowd walking up to campus. It's fun to see everyone streaming out of the dorms and coming from northern off-campus housing. Then we all struggle up this hill. I've heard that there are warm pipes underneath most of it, but it gets really slick at the top during the winter. I am totally going to biff it at some point. Oh well. It's unavoidable.

A and I have 40 minutes between our 8am math and our next classes, so we usually sit on a bench and read. We always see someone we know walk by, and that is the end of reading, but it's a fun time (when the weather is nice).

It was a beautiful day Wednesday. I love the sky. There is something about the sky here that just makes me feel close to Heavenly Father. He created a beautiful world!

Thursday A, Becca, and I went to the library to study. It was so crazy quiet in the reading room. The loudest thing in the room was the air coming through the vents.

Friday, I got to see my friend Karl before he left for his mission! He's leaving Wednesday, but he came down to campus to hang out before he left. We always end up at museums - we think it's a good thing. He is going to be such a great missionary. Look out, Kansas! He's headed your way.

Saturday night we went to a concert at a venue downtown. It was so great. I loved the venue, and the bands were awesome underground bands. The vibe was excellent.

Another picture was also from the concert...

It was an excellent week. I've been working hard and having fun. My school is *literally* the best.

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