Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Summer Fades Away...

Well, it's over. Summer 2011 is OFFICIALLY complete. School started today. ("FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!") I'm super excited to be doing something productive again, to use my brain, to soak in new knowledge, to see my friends, to start working on the musical, etc. I can't complain that summer was over too quickly - I had 120+ days of summer vacation. I got out in mid-May and just started in late-September. (Sweet.) That's a third of a year! A lot happens in a third of a year! I just want to do a little retrospective on my summer experiences. So, buckle your seat belts, folks, because you're in for a wild ride!

-LDSEHE: Ok, so it was the last week of school, but it really was the beginning of my summer. The Latter Day Saint Eastern Home Educators' youth conference (LDSEHE) was in VA beach this year. So, I got to chill by the ocean, listen to great speakers, and hang out with awesome people.

-Learner's Permit: I became a permitted learner! Yay! Getting my parents to take me driving, now, there's the hard part...

-Audition drama: Long story short- I was in a dance troupe last year that ROCKED, and I didn't make it this year. This was a total shock for me, and was super painful for a while. I'm over it now, but I will miss that group terribly this school year.

-Woodstock: I went to Woodstock!! ...Virginia. The HST Thespian Honor Society went there for their induction retreat. Wooo!!! It was amazing. We really had a great time.

-Girls' Camp: Always a hit, this year was B.O.O.T. Camp, and I was a spirit leader. Bethany and I had WAAAY too much fun leading the Army girls. We won everything. Yup. Gold star. Not to mention the filming of Die Hard 4 with Madeline and our stake camp director. I was the hostage/cameraman. Win. As well as Special Op: FBO. That's all I'm going to say about that, but it was definitely one of the highlights of my summer.

-EFY: I can't begin to describe how fantastic EFY was. I got to meet so many people, hang out with old friends, go to classes, and feel the Spirit SOOOOO much. I loved it. Best year.

-Theatre Camp: It's the tried and true summer camp. A blast every year. I met even more amazing people this year. I got a lead, I got to tap dance pretty much 24/7, I got to room with Bethany and Maddie, be swank with Karl and Garrett, shop for school supplies with Connor, giggle with Abbey, be in a group with Tanner for the 3rd year in a row, and basically love everyone. It was at TC that my pleurisy attacks happened. Ouch. Good thing I have such amazing friends. Karl, Maddie, and Bethany saved me more than a few times. Also, Tanner and I literally saved a girl that fell down the stairs in the HFAC and passed out - awesome for us, stinks for her. Anyway, I LOVE TC.

-Owl City Concert: Yes. I'm weird. My music is weird. I'm even too strange to be a hipster. I'm a neo-hipster. I'm down with it. The Owl City concert was one of the GREATEST nights Of. My. Life.

-Proms: I went to both HST prom and Mo Pro (Mormon Prom) this year with dates, (Oo la la). They were both super fun dances, and my dates were both super awesome guys. I had a fantastic time at each of them.

I had a memorable summer with just these events, not to mention my Dad being released as bishop after 8 years of service AND getting a new job, moving part time to NYC, having my first REALLY bad pleurisy attacks, waterballoon fights, trampoline sleepovers, going to see every Disney movie that came out, going Tubing with my youth group, going away, and coming home again. I loved this summer, and I'm sad to see it go, but I'm looking forward to what the school year has to offer!

Peace from the East,
(WOW. Sorry that was a mile long...)

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